St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Oak Harbor

By God's Grace, All Are Welcome

History of St. Stephen's


A Bit Of History

Before World War II, there were no Episcopal churches on Whidbey Island, which lies in Puget Sound northwest of Seattle.  During the war, the Navy established a seaplane base in the small farming town of Oak Harbor on the north end of the island.  After the war, as Navy aviation grew, the base expanded dramatically, bringing many military families to the area and rapidly increasing the population of Oak Harbor (now the island’s largest town).

Beginning in 1952, several young Navy spouses who had grown up in the Episcopal Church began talking about establishing a parish in Oak Harbor.  Bishop Stephen Bayne met with them, and soon thereafter St. Stephen’s was organized.  (Legend has it that the parish was named after the Bishop.)  As of January 1, 1954, Bishop Bayne declared St. Stephen’s to be a mission church of the Diocese of Olympia.  It became a full parish on November 6, 1977.

The first A-shaped building (now the office and chapel) was constructed in 1954.  The second sanctuary (now the parish hall) was built in 1960.  And the third sanctuary, which we use today, was erected in 1982, including a lower floor for classrooms.

From the 1970s to the early 2000s, as social and other changes divided the wider church, St. Stephen’s became an epicenter of those divisions.  As tensions grew in the congregation in the mid- to late-1990s, more than 100 members left to join other churches in the area.  In 2004, about two-thirds of the remaining parish members, then numbering about 80, voted to leave the Episcopal Church and place themselves under the oversight of a breakaway Anglican bishop in Brazil.  The other one third – by then only about a dozen or so – called themselves the “Faithful Remnant” and endured the hardships of being outcasts in their own Episcopal church.

Eventually, they were even turned away from worshipping in the main sanctuary.  But they hung together by meeting in homes and then in the tiny All Saints’ Chapel in the original 1954 building on the campus.  A covenant signed by the breakaway Anglicans and the then-Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia allowed the Anglicans to remain in possession of the main sanctuary and most other areas of the St. Stephen’s campus until June 2014.

In 2007, when Gregory H. Rickel became Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, he made it a top priority to resolve this intolerable situation at St. Stephen’s.  With his determination and help, the breakaway Anglicans finally left the St. Stephen’s campus in 2014 and established their own church in Oak Harbor, where they remain today.

The “Faithful Remnant” of Episcopalians regained their church in an emotional “homecoming” service that year, and ever since the congregation has worked tirelessly to renew itself, restore and repair the campus buildings and grounds, expand its community outreach and raise its visibility to become known as the most welcoming, inclusive, open and accepting church in the area.

Peter was granted an extended leave of absence and ultimately decided to retire, effective June 30, 2021.  Our retired clergy members, William Seth Adams, Amy Donohue, Mary Green and Diana Peters, and our licensed worship leaders, Tom Johnson, Harry Anderson, and Jeffrey Neuberger took over the celebration of Morning Prayer and homilies.  We held an outdoor baptism for our youngest member, Lily Brooks, in July 2020.  Our first in-person Sunday worship in over a year was held outdoors on the church lawn on Easter Sunday 2021, and on Sunday June 13, the parish returned to in-person worship in the church building.

In November of 2022 St. Stephen's welcomed the Rev. Paul Price as our new shepherd. We look forward to many more years doing God's work and being the body of Christ. 

As Paul told us when he joined St. Stephen's;

"I fully believe that all are called to ministry, or as put in 1 Peter 2:9. “…but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him…” Each person has an ability that is unique to them. The goal is to discern with them and discover that gift. I am committed to my congregations, to the liturgy of the Episcopal Church, and to every person – all children of God.  I have found in St. Stephen’s a community where I can lead worship as well as worship, where I can teach as well as learn, where I can care for and be cared for, and where my family and I can be part of a larger spiritual family." 


The photos below provide a pictorial history of the life of St. Stephen's.

Thank you to Mike Moore, Harry Anderson, and so many others for their words, memories, and photos.

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